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You Can Cook in Resident Evil Village

Chef Ethan.

After various gameplay videos were shown, Resident Evil Village at first glance seemed to be a game that was much more action-packed than before. This is closely related to Ethan's background, the main character who is now becoming proficient in using firearms.

Throughout his journey, it was even shown that Ethan used a rifle or pistol very often to repel creepy creatures that tried to ambush him.

In addition to the change from survival horror to semi-action without reducing the scary portion given, Capcom also seems to add new features that can be enjoyed by every player. This feature is cooking.


You Can Cook in Resident Evil Village

Yes, you read that right now, Ethan can cook at Resident Evil Village. Through the video of Capcom's collaboration with GameInformer above, Ethan will be able to hunt animals to be used as cooking ingredients. But not all of these animals stay still or run away when being hunted, sometimes they will also fight in order to survive.

Ethan will bring the game to The Duke's kitchen which will provide cooking facilities. Successfully doing so will give Ethan a permanent status such as an increase in defense.

Capcom will show the details later on April 15 at 15:00 US time or April 16 at 05:00 WIB in a special event that they packaged in the Resident Evil Village Showcase.

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